Why Diets like Paleo are Half-Baked

Sure, it sounds like a good idea at first; our bodies evolved to process the foods our cave-dwelling ancestors could hunt and gather and so shunning all that farming and industry have brought will mean we live healthier, skinnier lives. What has resulted is a kind of carbo-phobia that causes the Paleo enthusiast to run screaming from the room at the sight of a sandwich. But as Paleo swept the nation and more and more research went into the effects of the diet, the disadvantages began to emerge.

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Mood Swings? You Don’t Need a Snickers

When you are having a mood swing, eating a chocolate bar is not the best solution. Sure, it will elevate your blood sugar in the short term, but refined sugars are only setting you up for a crash later on. There are ways to stabilize your blood sugar to avoid mood swings that are healthier and more effective. Fueling your body with healthy food not only reduces mood swings, it also helps you to perform at your peak mentally so you can knock it out of the park.

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