Feed your Face: Foods that give you Great Skin

With sales of over $34 Billion annually on skincare in the US alone, you would think our skins would all boast a youthful appearance and an inner glow. But, alas, the reality is far from the beauty ideal espoused by fashion magazines and TV commercials.
So what’s the problem? As with most things in life, it isn’t what’s on the outside that matters. That means all the creams and toners in the world won’t improve your skin as much as a healthy diet which works from the inside out to ensure beautiful skin.

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How Sugar Affects your Brain

We’ve all pulled those all-nighters where you’re cramming for an exam or working on that big presentation, and the only thing that gets you through is an endless supply of sweet coffee and gummy bears. Trouble is; the more sugar you consume, the worse you get at remembering new information and coming up with your signature brilliant ideas.

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