Are Preservatives Bad for your Health?

Are Preservatives Bad for your Health?

“Eat food grandma would recognize” is a tenant that I like to keep in mind when doing my weekly shopping. Trouble is, reading food labels is getting both difficult and disquieting when half the ingredients are unrecognizable and the other half are unpronounceable, especially when it comes to preservatives.

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Essential Fiber Adds Years to your Life

While you may know that Fiber it’s good for you, many people don’t actually know why or the extent of it’s health benefits. Fiber is a miracle food that has more benefits than you can poke a sharp stick at; Improves digestion, Adds bulk to your meals without adding calories, Prevents colorectal cancer, and more! One of the greatest things about fiber is the fact that it is so easy to incorporate into your daily diet, so read on to find out how easy it is to have fiber add years to your life.

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