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Organic Sprouted Mung Beans Salad

Yields1 Serving

 5 of Cooked ShaSha Sprouted Lentils (Cold) (1kg)
 1 ½ of diced fresh Celery sticks (150g)
 1 ½ of diced fresh Peppers (150g)
 1 of diced fresh Carrots (150g)
 1 of fresh Lemon Juice or Apple Cider (15g)
 1 of Vinegar (15g)
 11 of Olive Oil (20g)
 1 of cumin powder 5g
 Salt & Pepper to taste

To prepare cooked Mung Beans, please follow the instructions of ShaSha Sprouted Mung Beans from the back side of the product.


Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.


Serve and Bon Appétit!