Best Prebiotic Foods to Boost Digestion

Best Prebiotic Foods to Boost Digestion

So you’ve probably heard of probiotics;those diminutive little bacterium that live in your tummy and keep you healthy, happy and sane. Well, in order to keep your little belly bugs alive, you have to feed them the good stuff and that’s where prebiotics come in. Prebiotics are insoluble dietary fibers that provides a food source for probiotics and promote healthy intestinal flora.

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Why Carb-free Diets are Not the Answer

Why Carb-free Diets are Not the Answer

From Atkins to Paleo, low-carb diets are all the rage. Touted as the best thing since sliced bread, low-carb diets are credited with everything from weight loss to curing acne, but are these high fat, high protein diets really the answer? Carbohydrates do cause high blood sugar and modern baking methods flood the body with gluten, but cutting carbs out completely is probably not the long-term answer to weight loss and other health issues.

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Are you Gluten Intolerant?

Are you Gluten Intolerant?

Gluten, gluten everywhere and the effect it’s having on our bodies is astronomical. The increase in hamburger buns, pizza dough, unhealthy snacks and processed bread in our diets has introduced more gluten than our poor digestive tracts can manage. You see, modern baking methods don’t leave enough time for the gluten to convert into digestible sugars and this causes a negative reaction in the immune systems of those who are gluten-intolerant leading to a number of unpleasant, and often debilitating symptoms.

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Why Ancient Grains are the Best Thing since Sliced Bread

The modern diet results in a plethora of ailments from gluten sensitivity to depression and everything in between. But making healthy choices can be intimidating and expensive. You don’t need to learn to decipher nutrition labels or take a course in vegan cooking to navigate your way successfully through the supermarket aisles. You need to return to a simpler time when food looked like it did when it was harvested and your grandma would recognize it.

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